Our partners at Vector Media came to us in early Fall of 2015 with their client representing Sony Studios. The Angry Birds Movie was set to launch in the early Spring of 2016 and SONY wanted to do something new and never seen before. Not missing the beat, we created a small 3D sample of what we could do and hopped a plane to Hollywood to sho them our idea! SONY was sold, and we were ecstatic – our new 3D printer was scheduled to deliver in early February and we already had our first client!
The goal was to create a 12′ tall angry bird on the side of each of 16 buses nationwide. We all soon learned the names of these characters as Red, Bomb and Chuck became our lives for the next 5 weeks. In the end, our first 3D project became a huge success and the incentive for SONY to move forward with our next big project.
Angry Birds
Marketing Agency
New York
- Illumination, Vehicle Wraps